BUZZ – Beautiful Imperfection

English lyrics

Even when times are scary like a maze where you keep going round in the same spot no matter how much you run
The dreams inside me guide my steps, following the echo of my heart
There’s nothing to be afraid of, because there’s no end for me
Even if I walk barefoot in a burning desert
The reason I can overcome the scorching pain
is because I can dream again

When the world that belittles worthless dreams makes me feel miserable
The dreams I can have innumerably since they are nonmaterial are the strength that makes me smile
Don’t stop now, since it’s only the beginning
Even if I’m thrown into a raging storm
The reason I can overcome the pain of falling down
is because I can dream again

Shout! Run! Toward the world that locks me up
So many more days to live and breathe are waiting for me
Shout! Run! Even if I’m imperfect
I’m still dreaming and I’m more beautiful this way

Even when times are scary like a maze where you keep going round in the same spot no matter how much you run
The dreams inside me guide my steps, following the echo of my heart
There’s nothing to be afraid of, because there’s no end for me
Even if I walk barefoot in a burning desert
The reason I can overcome the scorching pain
is because I can dream again

Shout! Run! Toward the world that locks me up
So many more days to live and breathe are waiting for me
Shout! Run! Even if I’m imperfect
I’m still dreaming and I’m more beautiful this way

Open your arms and take the world in your small embrace

Shout! Run! Toward the world that locks me up
So many more days to live and breathe are waiting for me
Shout! Run! Even if I’m imperfect
I’m still dreaming and I’m more beautiful this way


Even when times are scary like a maze where you keep going round in the same spot no matter how much you run

The first sentence was hell to translate. In the same order as the original, it’s :
[Even if you run] [you’re always going round in the same spot] {<–connection ‘where’–} [a maze] {<–connection ‘like, such as’–} [scary] [at times] {even}

Even if I walk barefoot in a burning desert
The reason I can overcome the scorching pain

It might sound more natural to say “a scorching desert” and “a burning pain” instead of “a burning desert” and “a scorching pain”, but the original does the same. I think it’s more natural to walk in a 뜨거운 사막 and overcome a 타는 아픈, but he says he’s walking in a 타는 사막 and overcomes a 뜨거운 아픔.

Even if I’m imperfect

“Even if I’m imperfect” sounds the same as “even if I’m at an age when I’m imperfect”, and the lyrics I found on the internet was 부족한 나이지만 without a space between 나 and 이지만. But I checked on the lyrics booklet, and it says 부족한 나 이지만 with a space, so it’s the “even if I’m imperfect”. Well, the exact translation would be, “even if I’m lacking”.

When the world that belittles worthless dreams makes me feel miserable
The dreams I can have innumerably since they are nonmaterial are the strength that makes me smile

Again, the construction of the sentence made it difficult to transpose to English. A translation closer to the original meaning is “I have a lot of dreams because they’re nonmaterial, and that’s the strength that makes me smile even when the world that belittles worthless dreams makes me feel miserable”.
There’s actually an interesting opposition between the first line where the world considers that dreams have no value, and the second one where he says he’s “rich in dreams” for that exact reason.

Shout! Run!

If I had been really picky with the semantics of the word 뛰다, I should have translated this as “Shout! Jump!”. But people are indiscrimately using the word to say “run” or “jump” these days, and since there was a “toward” right afterwards, I thought I’d go with “run”. But now that I think about it, “jump” might be a good translation too. You chose ^^

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